Friday, January 22, 2010

High Fiber Vegetables Super High Fiber Diet For Weight Loss?

Super high fiber diet for weight loss? - high fiber vegetables

Recently, I saw a program on public television for the 35-diet rich in fiber. Diet attracted me because it 1) how many vegetables and foods rich in fiber and anyway 2) is the creator of the diet to 35 grams of fiber or more per day to eat causes your body to burn several hundred calories just by processing the fiber. I was on diet only 2 weeks and have overcome the nightmare of cramps, bloating and gas constant displacement * ahem *, but I wonder if it really works in the long run. I have some comments from the consumers in the 35-diet rich in fiber and wondering if the rave reviews from tons of weight loss are really true. Who has experience in this area? I'm on this diet to lose weight, and secondly, especially for my health with a healthy diet. On a typical day, I eat a few bags of frozen vegetables (broccoli, corn, etc.), a tin of lentil soup or black beans, red beans and rice, oranges, oatmeal or bran cereal. No meat, something new for me!

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